
Better MSA advice

Quality management | msa-b GmbH

Quality management

Every company aspires to be a reliable partner for its customers. But systematically realising this claim and proving it through certification is quality management!

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Environmental management | msa-b GmbH

Environmental management

When providing services and manufacturing products, every company inevitably interacts with and damages the environment. Systematically minimising this damage to the environment is environmental management!

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Compliance Management | msa-b GmbH

Compliance Management

The term compliance, which originated in North America, can be translated as adherence to the law or conformity to regulations. In terms of content, it refers to the duty of the entrepreneur to ensure that binding obligations are met within the company.

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Sustainability management | msa-b GmbH

Sustainability management

Development is considered sustainable if it meets the needs of the present generation without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and choose their lifestyle.

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Energy management | msa-b GmbH

Energy management

Tense supply chains and geopolitical changes are focussing attention on energy costs and therefore energy consumption. Systematically improving a company's own energy performance and saving costs is what energy management is all about!

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Occupational health and safety management | msa-b GmbH

Occupational health and safety management

A company's employees are its greatest asset. In view of the shortage of skilled labour, this applies today more than ever. Systematically ensuring a safe working environment and active health protection is what occupational health and safety management is all about!

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