Sustainability management
Good for companies, the environment and society
Acting responsibly - entrepreneurially and socially
Development is considered sustainable if it meets the needs of today's generation without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and choose their own lifestyle.
The situation
Sustainability is driving companies and entrepreneurs like never before. This is due to numerous legal requirements at EU and federal level. And if these do not apply directly, then it is the customers who push the legal requirements into their supply chain.
The approach
These requirements cannot currently be meaningfully certified via a sustainability management system and thus ticked off, but the individual operational situation determines the approach.
Are you also interested in the topic of sustainability management?
SUMECO stands for SUstainability MEntoring & COnsulting and our experts are sustainability managers, lawyers and management consultants. This combination is unique, because we are more than a strategy consultancy, but also more than a management consultancy. It's the mix that makes the difference.
And here you can go to SUMECO
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